Hi, my name is Annemarie and I am the Client Services director for Night Nannies.
I use this blog as a way to give you tips and idea's in all areas of childcare and development.
Posted 14 October 09
Goji berries and a fun weekend
One of my fantastic Nannies and specialists recommended Goji berries amongst 3 other super foods as she likes to call them. As our family has been ill of late we decided to give them a go. As much as you can consider them a possible sultana they dont taste like them. Theyre ok but not something I would go out of my way to buy especially at $15 for a small bag. The goji berries do seem to work as we all seemed to get better much more quickly than normal but woah watch out for the sudden and potent gas releases from the members of your family. We spent the whole weekend trying to minimise extended contact because of this joyful side effect. Go Goji!!
Posted 14 October 09
Osteopathic cranial treatment
My son is 6yrs and we recently found out he has fluid in both of his inner ears caused by a series of ear infections over his short life. We have had our Doctors discussing the possibility of grommets and draining the ears. Which all sound like horrible unecessary operations. The reason we became aware of the problem was because my son although he has started reading is not up to where he should be with reading and writing. I decided to have his hearing checked and was shocked to find out that there is no movement on both of his ear drums which means limited temporary hearing loss. Being a natural remedy and prevention believer I started my research. I managed to come across cranial osteopathic treatment information and decided to explore this area further. Apparently this type of treatment is very good for treating and prevention ear infections. As a believer in Homeopathy we are also having a consultation for this with our local homeopath.
My son had his first Osteopath consulation and treatment today and I was amazed. The treatments appears like nothing much is really happening except for some pressure point type massage (NOTE: this is not what our osteopath was doing). This was just what my untrained eye interpreted. During the session my wired and very active 6yr old fell asleep on the table. When we woke him he was not happy. Afterwards I could see noticeable improvement in his posture and we are hoping that his earing will start to improve. We have another appointment next week. Our Ear, nose and throat specialist appointment is in another month... fingers crossed we can get the ears to drain naturally before then.
Will keep you updated.I am so hoping for natural to win through... I like to work in conjunction with Medically trained Doctors as well Natural therapists to help with our family.
Posted 15 October 09
Do you have the skills you need to Babysit well? Gain the confidence to become a Safe Babysitter and know how to handle situations that may happen on the job, from accidents to tantrums to running a business and setting your fees. As a babysitter you have a job and offer an important service. This knowledge will help you in the future too! A Senior First Aid Certificate is not compulsory however it is preferable that students complete a First Aid course prior to attending the course.
Cost: $88 plus First Aid qualification course. DATE: SUN 15TH NOV 2009
If you are under 18 yrs or just starting out in the field with little or no experience come along and join us on this fantastic 1 day course on Babysitter basics. Build up your Babysitting families by showing that you have the understanding and knowledge to be able to look after their child on your own.
The course is run by Night Nannies qualified staff and you can get a an attendance certificate after you have completed the course.
Enrol here: http://www.cccc.nsw.edu.au/docs/course-details.php?courseid=959&menuitem=2