A Babysitter is a Child care professional or Nanny who is available after 6 pm to Babysit your children. Most Babysitters have a minimum of 2 years experience and have to meet the screening criteria of Night Nannies Nanny Agency with a criminal record check, First Aid, 2 years Full Time experience and an interview. Some Babysitters will have a qualification in Early Childhood development such as a Certificate III or Diploma in Children’s Services.
The Babysitter usually works after 6pm through the night for anywhere from 4-6 hours or more. Babysitters have slightly lower rates than a day Nanny as they are assisting the children with their evening wind down routine such as:
- Meal preparation
- Assistance with feeding
- Bathing
- Nappy or toileting
- Story and bed
- Full supervision
The Babysitter is on duty whilst the parents are out to dinner or a function and is usually not required to do regular Nanny duties once the children are asleep. The Babysitter is required to resettle and attend to the children throughout the evening and provide information to the parents as required upon their return.
Our baby sitting service operates in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane as well as other regional towns.